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Job Protection
& Behavioral
Health Services
For Union Members

What is Union First?

Union First is an employee assistance program that provides job protection and behavioral health services to union members, public employees, and their families.  

If you or a loved one are in need of drug rehab, alcohol rehab, mental health counseling, or a combination of these, we can help.  With Union First, you can get the effective addiction treatment and mental health care you need without having to worry about losing your job in the process.   We work with only the best addiction treatment centers that provide medical detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and dual diagnosis treatment to heal the root cause of addiction.  

woman seeking for job protection health services
family with health services and job protection


for your Health

Top Detox & Rehab Center for Addiction for Union Members

Unions are meant to look out for employees’ best interests. Many employees have health and personal issues that they need help with so unions have fought hard for their members to receive employee assistance and insurance coverage for getting the help they need. Substance use disorders affect millions of people, but only a fraction receive treatment. Many of these people have union jobs and coverage that allows them to get the help they need to manage their addiction and end their dependence on drugs and alcohol.

Workers who want to stop using drugs or alcohol can get the professional treatment they need at a top alcohol and drug rehab. Union First can connect you with treatment centers that offer multiple levels of care that include many different treatment modalities so that clients can begin their recovery journey with support that’s tailored to their needs.

What Is an EAP?

EAP stands for employee assistance program. Many employers offer these programs which are designed to help employees manage a personal issue like addiction or mental health conditions. These programs are confidential; employees cannot be penalized for using an EAP to get help with an issue they’re dealing with. Union First is an employee assistance program that works with union members, public employees and their families when help is often desperately needed to overcome substance abuse, mental health condtion, or both. If you’re unsure what your company covers, connect with Union First to learn how we can help you get the treatment you need while protecting your job.

EAP for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment For Union Members

Union First is an employee assistance program that helps union members, public employees and their family members get the professional rehab care they need to end their dependence on drugs or alcohol while also protecting their job while they seek help. Without treatment, substance abuse tends to get worse–not better. Employees can protect their jobs and other important aspects of their life by making use of benefits like their EAP for addiction treatment. EAPs are extremely helpful because they can take much of the work out of the process of hunting down treatment. At Union First, we only work with top addiction treatment centers so that employees can rest assured they are getting effective high quality care. We can help you stop using drugs or alcohol without the fear of losing your job so you can get your life back on track.

Job Protection for Union Members Who Need Behavioral Health Care

If you’re suffering from a mental health or substance use disorder, you shouldn’t have to worry about keeping your job while you go get the help you need. Union members can rely on an employee assistance program like Union First to get the behavioral health therapy they need to manage their condition while knowing their job is protected. The need for behavioral health care is not rare. One in five people will experience a major depression at some point in their life. By seeking help, employees cannot be fired simply because they have a health condition and are seeking treatment for it. That’s part of the protections that EAPs and unions provide. As more and more individuals use these benefits to achieve lasting recovery, the more they’re proven to be instrumental in the fight against addiction.

Alcohol Detox Program for Union Members

A person who is addicted to alcohol may need to go through alcohol detox before beginning further alcohol abuse treatments. Detox programs target the physical aspect of addiction while monitoring patients around the clock to prevent adverse effects of alcohol withdrawal. By detoxing in a medical facility with professional help, you can rest assured that your alcohol withdrawal symptoms will be managed by specially trained doctors and nurses who will keep you safe and comfortable during detox. Completing detox before rehab allows clients to focus on their subsequent treatments without the withdrawal symptoms that are often triggers for relapse. Once the alcohol detox process is complete, patients can move on to the next phase of their treatment plan which will target the underlying causes of alcohol abuse.

Drug Detox Program for Union Members

Some people will need to complete drug detox before beginning their rehab program. During drug detox, whether detoxing from heroin, cocaine, or any other drugs–including prescription drugs–clients are thoroughly weaned from the addictive substance. They will be provided with FDA-approved medications as needed to reduce the severity of their withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can include tremors, nausea, vomiting, headache, and others. Staff strive to make clients feel as comfortable as possible so they can rest, allowing their body to begin the long healing journey ahead. While not every client requires enrollment in detox, it often begins people’s recovery process.

Union Members Alcohol Rehab Services

Alcohol rehab provides a safe setting where clients can learn how to manage their drinking problem. Alcoholism is a chronic condition, but it can be managed with abstinence. With the help of Union First, clients can begin to unravel the “why” behind their alcohol abuse. Understanding their triggers to drink allows them to develop the necessary strategies to cope with those triggers effectively, without turning to alcohol. During their rehab plan, clients can expect to take part in individual therapy, group therapy, and a range of other treatment programs designed to meet each person’s unique needs. Different reatment centers offers different therapies, including evidence-based treatments and alternative holistic treatments. Each therapy targets a different aspect of addiction, providing clients with tremendously well-rounded support for achieving their alcoholism recovery goals.

Union Members Drug Rehab Options

Like alcohol rehab, drug rehab helps clients end their dependence on illicit drugs or prescription drugs. During inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, clients meet one on one with their therapists and in group therapy sessions to explore the root causes of their drug abuse and learn how to manage their drug addiction and prevent relapse. The best rehab centers take a strong individualized approach to recovery. Clients can get help with specific problems they’re struggling with–problems that may be at the root of their addiction problem. The drug rehabs we work with are filled with comfortable furnishings and amenities. Therapies are delivered by highly credentialed caring clinicians who have the skills and experience needed to guide clients to lasting recovery.

How Much Does Rehab Cost for Union Members?

The costs of addiction rehab treatment depend on the type of program an individual enrolls in. Residential rehabs and inpatient treatment will necessarily cost more because clients can expect 24-hour support as well as meals and other services. Outpatient rehab usually costs less than residential treatment because clients may only attend a few hours a day or a couple times each week depending on the program specifics. When you contact Union First, we can discuss treatment centers, treatment options, your health care and union benefits, and costs of different levels of care. We can also help you determine what costs are covered by your insurance plan and what costs, if any, can be considered out of pocket expenses.

How Long Is Detox for Union Members?

Medical detox is frequently a necessary step for clients newly enrolled in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Detox targets the physical dependence that a person has on heroin, alcohol, prescription drugs, or another substance. During the treatment process, clients are carefully weaned from whatever substance or substances they’re addicted to. Although individuals can expect some mild withdrawal symptoms such as headache or flu-like symptoms, clinicians can treat to eliminate them or reduce their severity. Detox tends to last about a week. Some individuals complete the detox process in three days; others may need longer than a week to overcome their dependence. The time frame depends on the person’s own chemistry, the substance that they’re addicted to, and how long they have been addicted to it.

30 Day Short Term Rehab

Usually, short term rehab covers a period up to 30 days. Although some people may spend less time in treatment facility. At Union First, we help our clients find various types of treatment and determine the amount of time they needd to spend in substance abuse treatment to get the support they need to effectively manage their condition. Clients can expect to take part in individual therapy as well as group therapies and holistic treatments. A substantial portion of these programs are devoted to helping clients identify their triggers to use drugs or alcohol and to focus on strategies for managing those triggers to prevent relapse.

Long Term Rehab (60-90 Days)

Many clients need more than 30 days to learn to successfully manage their substance use disorder or dual diagnosis and prevent relapse. Many top rehab centers offer long-term addiction treatment programs to ensure that clients get the support they need for the period of time they need it. Clients who are addicted to multiple substances or have a cooccurring mental disorder often benefit from a longer recovery plan.

Additional Therapies and Addiction Treatments Available for Union Members

Clients who enter an alcohol and drug rehab come from all walks of life, so it’s not surprising that some people respond better to certain therapies than others. This is normal and one of the many reasons why top rehabs offers multiple treatment modalities. While treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy are often a major facet of inpatient and outpatient programs for addiction, other therapies can greatly enhance a person’s recovery journey, especially as they target a client’s specific needs. Some clients respond well to art and music therapy. Others find that physical fitness therapies enhance their recovery well. More treatment options allows clients to get the individualized support they need to end their dependence on drugs and alcohol for good.


Medication-assisted treatment, MAT, involves the use of medications to treat drug or alcohol addiction. Medication-assisted treatment can reduce the cravings and other symptoms associated with the withdrawal process as well as ongoing throughout the recovery journey. MAT is often prescribed for clients who have a heroin addiction or alcohol addiction. Clients may require this medication management during a short period of time or for several months or longer. Not everyone opts for MAT, but it can enhance the addiction recovery process for those who need it. We work with addiction rehabs that offer MAT for clients that require it.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a cornerstone of substance abuse treatments. During this form of therapy, therapists help clients understand the connections between their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Unhealthy patterns of thought tend to promote unhealthy patterns of behavior. As clients work to identify the triggers that led them to abuse alcohol or drugs, their therapists will help them to develop strategies to manage those triggers and change how they think and feel about them in order to manage their actions with more mindfulness. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a medically sanctioned treatment for substance use disorders. The rehab facilities we work with offer this form of treatment as well as other evidence-based therapies designed to enhance the addiction recovery process.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral therapy is also a common alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Therapists help clients focus on distress tolerance. Negative emotions can be a powerful trigger to abuse alcohol or drugs. With improved emotional distress tolerance, clients can more easily maintain their recovery journey. Additionally, DBT helps clients practice mindfulness and emotional regulation. Union First clients can expect to focus on anger management during this treatment as well as management of other negative emotions. DBT is offered during both drug or alcohol residential addiction treatment and outpatient programs.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

Union First treatment centers also feature rational emotive behavioral therapy. This treatment focuses on unhealthy or irrational thought patterns that are often underlie substance use disorders. Unhealthy thoughts can also impact clients who have a dual diagnosis. During REBT, clients develop strategies for confronting their irrational thoughts and preventing them from leading to unhealthy behaviors. Also during this form of addiction treatment, clients will practice better coping methods for dealing with their negative thoughts. Therapists will also help clients change their thoughts relative to how they feel about their drug and alcohol use.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis refers to clients who have a substance abuse disorder such as alcohol addiction or drug addiction and a cooccurring mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, or post traumatic stress disorder. We c work with centers that offer dual diagnosis treatment that’s tailored to each client’s unique needs. The best way to treat a cooccurring disorder is with simultaneous treatments designed to target both the individual’s mental health disorder as well as their substance abuse disorder. Not all addiction treatment centers feature clinicians that are credentialed to treat dual diagnosis, but ours do. Both disorders can impact the other, which is why it’s vital to treat them both at the same time. During therapy, clients will learn strategies for managing both of their conditions. Medication management may also be needed.

Alternative Treatments

Union First works with treatment centers that feature medically sanctioned addiction treatments, holistic therapies, and alternative treatments. Many holistic and alternative treatments have been shown to support longterm recovery. Evidence-based therapies have earned the approval of the medical community because there have been numerous studies conducted that demonstrate their efficacy in the treatment of substance use disorders. Many holistic and alternative treatments such as physical fitness, yoga, and arts therapy haven’t been clinically studied to the extent that evidence-based therapies have, but there is strong anecdotal evidence that suggests that they are effective treatments for addiction. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment plans often feature alternative therapies as part of their treatment offerings.


Many clients find that acupuncture enhances their recovery progress, especially in the early days when they’re still experiencing withdrawal symptoms. During acupuncture sessions, clinicians place needles in the skin in strategically located places on the body. It’s thought that the practice triggers the release of endorphins that flood the body in response to the needle pricks. These endorphins are often called “feel-good chemicals” because they induce feelings of calm. During addiction treatment, clients can benefit from feelings of calm and healing that acupuncture triggers. When feeling better mentally and physically, clients find it easier to relax and focus on other recovery therapies.


Yoga has become a powerful alternative therapy in the treatment of substance use and mental health disorders. Yoga combines a physical fitness component and mindfulness focus that can be extremely therapeutic for people looking for healthy ways to manage their addiction triggers. During yoga sessions, participants learn how to clear their minds and focus on the present moment, their breathing, or a particular stretch. During the space of these sessions, clients get a mental break from their thoughts. That break helps them cope with their feelings and emotions better, which is a positive way to keep their recovery journey on track. Many people go on to continue practicing yoga long after they complete their drug and alcohol addiction treatments.


Meditation is an ancient practice that many addiction treatment centers have adopted to help clients manage their triggers and learn healthy ways to cope with stress. During meditation sesions, clients focus on clearing their minds and just being. Substance use disorders often involve unhealthy thought patterns, negative emotions, and the desire to escape one’s own thoughts and feelings. By clearing the mind and practicing just being with what is, clients can find calm. When people are calm and relaxed, they’re able to make better decisions. Meditation is a strategy that clients can use for the rest of their lives to manage their negative feelings and protect their recovery. When combined with other treatments, meditation is just one more way that clients can use to effectively manage their triggers.

Group Therapy

Group therapy or peer group counseling plays a substantial role in nearly any addiction rehab. Union First treatment centers offer group therapies that are associated with many different treatment modalities. Both individual and group therapy are important; but group therapy gives clients the chance to meet other people also struggling to recover. They’re able to support one another during treatment sessions and learn from one another. Therapists lead group therapies and focus on issues that are relative to the entire group. Like 12step meetings, group therapy invites everyone to contribute their thoughts or simply their support.

One on One Therapy

One on one therapy is crucial to the addiction recovery process. During individual therapy, clients have the chance to focus on the issues that affect them most profoundly. These issues might be related to their dual diagnosis, upbringing, job stress, or any other issues that have become triggers for them to use alcohol or drugs. Therapists work closely with clients during these sessions to help them find new strategies for coping with their triggers in order to keep their recovery going smoothly. One on one therapy is a cornerstone of inpatient and outpatient programs.

Family Therapy

Substance use disorders affect families of those addicted to drugs and alcohol. Family therapy is designed to help family members as well as the individual in recovery to cope with various issues associated with alcohol or drug use. Therapists meet with participating family members to help them understand their loved one’s condition and how to support them without enabling them or experiencing codependency. They also learn how to communicate more effectively with one another. The goal of family therapy is to help families heal from the tumult that addiction tends to cause. Many union members enrolled in our recovery programs choose to include family therapy as part of their overall treatment plan.

Trauma Informed Therapy

Clients often arrive at their addiction treatment program with mental health issues such as post traumatic stress disorder. About a third of all people with an alcohol or drug addiction also have a cooccurring mental disorder such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression. Many mental health disturbances, including substance use disorders, involve the individual’s past traumas. Trauma-informed therapy takes those past experiences into account when helping clients manage their addiction. Learning to cope with their past traumatic experiences under the guidance of a trained therapist can help them achieve lasting recovery.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness can be part of a healthy lifestyle for anyone, but for people recovering from substance abuse disorders, it can be therapeutic. As people engage in physical fitness activities like swimming or running, their body releases endorphins that target sore muscles, triggering healing mechanisms. These endorphins also have a feel-good effect in the brain. Physical fitness can become a reliable coping method for individuals struggling with their triggers like negative emotions. Many addiction rehabilitation centers recommend physical fitness to those recovering because it’s a positive way to fill the space in their time once they’re no longer using drugs or alcohol.

Experiential Therapy

Positive, healthful experiences can also enhance recovery. As part of their recovery process, individuals must find ways to fill their time, which helps them keep their recovery progress on track. Activities such as hiking or sightseeing can help clients make changes in how they spend their free time. Until addiction treatment, they likely spent a lot of their time thinking about and using drugs and alcohol. Experiential therapy focuses on activities that provide healthy alternatives to their form lifestyle. It also gives them the opportunity to meet and bond with other people who are working on their recovery.

Does My Insurance Have Coverage for Rehab for Union Members?

These days, medical insurance providers are required to offer some level of behavioral health coverage that includes treatment of substance use disorders. However, that coverage can vary considerably from one insurance company to another and even from one coverage plan to another. To learn if your insurance carrier will cover detox programs, inpatient rehab, and outpatient rehab and for how long, you’ll need to consult your insurance provider or you can get in touch with Union First for assistance. We can discuss insurance coverage, your union benefits, employee assistance programs, and any questions you may have about the cost of addiction treatment plans. We are here to walk with you every step of the way.

Union Members Relapse Prevention

When it comes to long-term addiction recovery, some people are more vulnerable to relapse than others. That’s why Union First works with treatment centers that feature therapies designed to prevent relapse by focusing on healing the root causes of addiction. During treatment, clients learn how to identify the stages of relapse so that they can stop themselves from using drugs or alcohol in the early stages, before a physical relapse occurs. Relapse can begin when individuals can’t effectively manage their negative emotions. At that point, they might begin to think about using alcohol or drugs or visit places where they know these substances are likely to be. Therapists help clients to prevent them from reaching that final relapse stage–when they take a drink or use drugs. By learning to control their ‘automatic thoughts’ and improving the way they manage their emotions, they can more easily keep their recovery on track.

How Union First Can Help: Job Protection + Behavioral Health for Union Members

Union First is dedicated to helping union members, public employees, and their families get the professional behavioral healthcare they need to end their dependence on drugs and alcohol while ensuring their jobs are protected during the process. By reaching out and enrolling in behavioral health treatment for mental health or substance use disorder, employees have legal protections. They cannot be fired or penalized, for instance, for using their employee assistance program benefits to seek addiction treatment or behavioral health treatment. If you have questions about how Union First can help you or a loved one, call us to learn more. We can help you transform your life and health for the better with our recovery programs.